About me

My name is lipeng, currently living in Beijing, China.I am currently working for UOS.

Thank you for checking out my Blog!

What's on this blog?

I like programming (eg C, Python, Shell, Go, etc.), and my job is test development, so this will be most of the content here but I intend to also make some content about my other hobbies such as reading, movies and music ...


You can contact me either via the social links in the sidebar or use one of these options:

Protocol Contact Information
GitHub king32783784

Technology Stack

Tag Description
Programming Language Python、shell、C/C++、Go 、Lua etc.
Test Framework Webdriver、Robot Framework 、Autotest、etc.
Test Tool LSB、Ltp、Jemeter、Monkey etc
Development framework Falsk、Django etc.
OS Linux、Windows、kali
VT Docker、Kvm
DB Mysql、Redis、Pg etc.
国产化平台 龙芯(mips)、申威(alpha)、飞腾(arm)、兆芯(X86)
Others Flink、kafka、antivirus